Engineering, Leadership and Quality
Enjoy a eclectic mix of writing on Leadership, Quality and Women in Tech.
Plus the occasional rant!
It's where the original content for the Quality Coach's Handbook is written.
The book explains the quality coach role, with workshops and templates along with advice for managing quality coaching within an organisation.
When will the book be published?
The Quality Coach's Handbook will be available for purchase on Leanpub in March 2025.
For a sneak peak of the table of contents:
If you haven't aleady sign up to my newsletter to be notified of publish date.

Tech Leadership

My little one. Do not be afraid. The morning is upon us and the dawn sheds a new light.
You are loved. I am with you and will hold your hand as we walk through the shadows.
I cannot go where you have been. That door is closed leaving whispers

The secret ingredient is joy
Be like mist
Glints in Leadership

Sing your voice
Quality Coach Book
Women in Tech

The Gratitude Jar
2019 has been an eventful year for many and the start of a new year is a great
opportunity to say throw a slip into a gratitude jar
[] to thank to those
around you who have supported you in some way.
Being the blog author