Quality Coach Newsletter 16

This month Neil Younger returns with another punchy post on accelerating a culture of quality by identifying company engineering needs. This build on Neil's original post on building a culture of learning by amplifying team wins.

Accelerate your quality culture by identifying your engineering capability needs
Home of Quality Coach Book. Sign up for a free premium trial

The post builds on Alan Page's work on modern testing. It explores ways for teams to assess what matters to them and how to improve continuously—definitely, one to read.

Premium readers, what would I do without your continued support? Thank you!🙌 If you haven't read it, click the link and log in using your premium membership.

Accelerate your quality culture by identifying your engineering capability needs
Home of Quality Coach Book. Sign up for a free premium trial

Quality Opportunity Solution Tree

This second premium post explores how to think critically through options that help amplify quality. Many people leap to software testing when thinking about improving quality. The reality is there exist many ways to improve quality that might even reduce dependency on software testing. This could be good news if the speed of deployment is essential to your company.

Quality Solution Opportunity Tree
This framework asks at a high level: “How else might we improve quality?”. It’s a simple open-ended question that encourages alternative perspectives, which is a good antidote to tunnel vision and SBS (silver bullet syndrome)

Round the neighbourhood

Deborah Reid shares her experience as a first-time speaker.

Deborah Reid on LinkedIn: Five Things I Learnt Speaking At A Testing Conference For The First Time
I have written an article for Ministry of Testing with some top tips I learnt from my first experience as a speaker at a conference. I hope it helps others who…

Lisa Crispin on why she loves testing and helping others.

Why I love testing, and love helping others find testing joy too - Agile Testing with Lisa Crispin
Why I got engaged in a testing career and why I love sharing my experiences and helping others improve quality and find joy

Upcoming Speaking Events

I'm excited to be travelling to be speaking at some upcoming events.

Agile2023 | Orlando, Florida | Agile Alliance
Agile2023, Agile Alliance’s annual conference is the biggest and best international gathering of Agile professionals, bringing together practitioners from around the globe. July 24-28 in Orlando, Florida
Testμ Conference 2023 - Decode the Future of Testing | Join one of the world’s largest free software testing conferences
TestMu Conference is a virtual or online-only conference to define the future of testing. Join over 10,000+ software testers, developers, quality assurance experts, industry experts, and thought leaders for 3 days of learning, testing, and networking at Testμ Conference 2023 by LambdaTest. Attend 30…

Until next month,

Anne-Marie ‌
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