Quality Coach April Newsletter
Welcome to the April newsletter. This month in my premium content, the quality coach article explores the topic of Example Mapping Workshops, a concept first originated by Matt Wynn.
Welcome to the April newsletter. This month in my premium content, the quality coach article explores the topic of Example Mapping Workshops, a concept first originated by Matt Wynn.
Where Matt describes in his very detailed article, how to run a workshop, my focus has been to use an example story. I also run my workshop online. The article is packed with practical tips, slides and custom Miro boards for you to use. I hope you find it useful!

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Just subscribed to @charrett content for the next year. Prediction: off the charts ROI for my team and my career goals. Best $9 deal on the internet...
— Dave Harrison (@davadora) October 17, 2021
Related blog posts
For April, I've selected some posts I've written on the subject of discovery and/or workshops.

Software testing community
Some posts by people in the software testing community.

Facilitation - the dinner party principle
That's all for this month! See you all in May!
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