Quality Coach April Newsletter

Welcome to the April newsletter. This month in my premium content, the quality coach article explores the topic of Example Mapping Workshops, a concept first originated by Matt Wynn.

Welcome to the April newsletter. This month in my premium content, the quality coach article explores the topic of Example Mapping Workshops, a concept first originated by Matt Wynn.

Where Matt describes in his very detailed article, how to run a workshop, my focus has been to use an example story. I also run my workshop online. The article is packed with practical tips, slides and custom Miro boards for you to use. I hope you find it useful!

Example Mapping for Quality Coaches
Example Mapping workshop for quality coaches contains instructions and slides using a typical story to help quality coaches get started on example mapping for their teams.

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For April, I've selected some posts I've written on the subject of discovery and/or workshops.

How to define quality in diverse cross functional teams
What is quality in a cross functional team? This workshop provides you with a way of helping a team gain a shared understanding of what quality is.
Consider other heuristics than SFIDPOT when testing stories
Heuristics can be really useful to us in testing. Sometimes they help us think of new ways to test, prompting us to ask new questions about the story (or the product) and the context in which we’re testing.
Creating a Culture of Quality
A culture that is embedded figuratively eats everything around it. Once a culture is defined, it takes on a life of its own. Slowly, bit by bit, more bricks are laid on top of those early foundations, those decisions. And, before you realise it, your culture has been set.

Software testing community

Some posts by people in the software testing community.  

What I learned from giving my first ever workshop
Here I share what I learned from giving my first ever workshop including what went well and what didn’t go so well.
You Never Finish Designing a Workshop - A Memoir of Friendship (Part 4)
Jerry didn’t die in 2009, of course . He and the indomitable Dani found the medical team that was right for him. Jerry had major surgery and...
Agile Testing Fellow
Agile Testing Fellow is a community of agile testers that are forging new frontiers in agile testings. Take the course and join agile pionners Lisa Crispin and Janet Gregory.

Facilitation - the dinner party principle

That's all for this month! See you all in May!
