Quality Coach newsletter #34
A round-up of quality coach articles, events and articles from the quality coach book and community.
🤖 Coaching Teams on using AI
Use the enthusiasm and curiosity around AI to help teams improve their test coverage and or solve other problems.
⏳ What shape is your test automation in?
This fun workshop helps a team identify their test automation model, which can lead to fruitful discussions about what good looks like.
Finally, my cringe, which I wrote after waking up at 3 a.m. in some stupid panic. I finally managed to claw myself down off the cliff. This is what I felt compelled to write.

📚 From the Archives
🏘️ Picks from the Community
Test Automation is the theme!
Don't go past this great post by Melissa Fisher, which has readily available templates and training to help you achieve a risk-based approach to test automation.
As I obsess over playwright scripts, this article by Mike Harris caught my eye. 👀

And another gem, this one from Jit Gosai, on where test automation offers real value 👇

Upcoming speaking engagements
I'm finishing up my speaking events with a rant on enshittification. Join me!

I'll be hanging out networking at Yow! Sydney - reach out if you will be there 👥

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