📚Can you help me finish this book? QCN # 24
Product Excellence
Are you tired of convincing Product Managers to take extra time to build quality? Would you rather your role focus on the relationship between product and customer instead of user story and assert?
Take a look at my Product Excellence framework. It takes a holistic view of quality that spans product discovery, delivery, and support.

Help me write this book!
I'm almost ready to put this online book into a publishable format. I need six more months of writing and then editing time. The end of the year seems like a reasonable timeframe. Since I shared my intention, I've received fantastic support from the community. Thank you 🙏
Please keep encouraging me; the final months are always challenging. You can help by giving feedback through comments, writing to me directly, or simply liking a post. It's all feedback that will help me understand the types of topics you find valuable.
Other writing
Picks from the Community
Platform Engineering seems to be the theme for this month!

Upcoming speaking engagements
I've got more talks coming up and once they're formally announced I'll add them here..

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Until then.
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