
Today I woke up early determined to return to my blog on the bus series. A couple of reasons why.

  1. I’ve found it liberating to not worry over being a perfectionist on writing the perfect sentence, phrase, or point.
  2. Loads of people at Agile Testing Days told me how much they enjoyed them.

I knew I’d be a little rusty after taking a week or two off, but not to the extent I expected. In total I attempted to write 5 blog posts, this is the sixth. The only one to be published.

Here’s what happened.

I knew I was going to get stuck, so I went for my go to app that forces me to write content within a fixed time. I did write something, it was on the nature of experimentation. I wanted to refer to a book I had read in the past only to discover I really needed to re-read it to make my point clear. So post number one put  to the backlog.

The idea of experimentation still rattled in my head. As was the concept of experimenting in terms of business outcomes, a discussion I had had with Margaret Dineen earlier in the morning. Maybe I could combine the two? I created a couple of whiteboards to brainstorm on. Wonderful! I had the idea and concept nutted down. Unfortunately, in the writing, I discovered that really there were two separate blog posts. I quickly created a draft of the second and moved on. For a later date perhaps.

In my journey of understanding business outcomes I came across Kent Becks hypothesis on the the 3 E’s (Explore, Expand, Extract). I really like this concept. How can I tailor it to some of the ideas floating (and yes I mean floating) in my head?

Not so well, as it turns out Kent Beck publishes on Facebook and, incredibly difficult to understand the timeline of his posts. I really wanted to understand his ideas better ( Success ‘according to who’ was one question I haven’t yet found an answer to…) so I put this blog post in the backlog too.

A lead through Kent Beck’s work led me Taleb’s work on convexity bias and optionality. My brain cells and connectors lit up. What if optionality (the ability to select an option as opposed to being obliged to take the only option) became a quality attribute? Bah Boom…blog post on the way

Until I again recognised the need to separate ideas and concepts into different blog posts. We have optionality but also convexity bias, I wanted to make points about both. More thought required on this one too. Still, I was learning a lot.

Finally, in exasperation, I dived into a partially written blog post on Consumer-Driven Contract Testing. I mean at least finish something! But sigh, it was not to be case.It’s almost ready, but I need the ‘perfect’ title <blush>. What can I say?

Sometimes I’m a perfectionist about being a perfectionist.

So in the meantime, and after a day of research, I have only this blog post to submit to. I had a load of fun reading and researching so the time has not been wasted.  Here are the blog posts I’ve been reading (In no particular order)

Kent Beck Product Development Triathlon

Hypothesis Driven Testing

Convexity Bias

Outcome Based Delivery

Beyond Outcomes over Outputs

Enough! Publish!