Talks & Articles
An out of date page which I intend to clean up, just not today....
CoachingTesters Talk at Lets Test Stockholm May 2012. Here are some photos by @ru_altom & @DuncNisbet and a write up by David Greenlees
We are the 99% Movie of STPCon Keynote March 2012 or if you prefer the Slides
Video Interview at CAST 2011 on coaching software testers
Article on CoachingTesters
SoftwareTestPro: Coaching Testers Podcast Twist #69
SoftwareTestPro: Coaching Testers Podcast Twist #70
StickyMinds Article: From One Expert to Another: Meeta Prakash (you may need to login)
Coaching Testers Podcast (Eurostar)
Article: Test Testing Planet: I’m a tester get me out of here! October 2011
CAST Conference: Coaching Testers
STANZ Melbourne: Motivating Testers
Interview: by Testing Circus April 2011
Article: The Testing Planet – Monkey Business March 2011
Free PDF to be released shortly.
Article: Beware the Lotus Eaters February 2011
I wrote a feature article for Logigear Magazine, it starts on page 8.
Talk: Exploratory Testing Workshop, Agile Tours, October 2010
Exploratory testing workshopView more presentations from Anne-Marie Charrett.
Talk: Discover you Inner Tester at Dublin DDD October 2010
Discovering your inner testerView more presentations from Anne-Marie Charrett.
Article on Software Testing and Startups
This article appeared recently in T.E.S.T magazine on the pros and cons of working with startups
T.E.S.T Magazine, June 2009
Presentation on software testing and startups
I gave this presentation to SOFTTEST on working with startups. Its got some information on where I source my work, the type of work I get and what I see as the key criteria a tester needs to have working for startups.
Startups And Software TestingView more documents from amcharrett.
Presentation June 2009
You will need adobe reader to view it.
Article on Software Test Consulting
This article is a bit of fun, but gives an insight into what it takes to become a successful software test consultant.
Twelve Traits of a Tip Top Test ConsultantView more documents from amcharrett.