Mind mapping your testing strategy

I recently was asked to do a talk on software testing for a group of iPhone developers.  I decided to speak to them at a practical level and talk about how I approach software testing, as I wanted them to understand that there are different ways you can perform software testing other than resorting to heavily documented process and formal test scripts.
As part of my preparation I decided to use FreeMind to create a mind map of some of my testing strategies. Like many in the testing community I find I rely heavily on mnemonics to remember heuristics and oracles. I like Parimala Shankaraiah’s post on the Power of Mnemonics and decided to create something similar but in a mind map form.

Most of the information is not new and has been around the testing community for a while. As I started brain dumping the information, I got really excited about the map. I knew that not only was it helpful for the talk, but for me personally, it provided a great tool to remind me of different approaches I can take to testing. I’ve inserted due credit, but if I’ve left anyone out or got it wrong, please let me know and I can update it.

In fact I’m so thrilled with the results, I’m going to share it. So here it is.
