Celebrate your wins in software testing

Too often software testers are the bearers of bad news:
“There is a major defect that will stop us rolling out to production on time”

“We have to increase the budget to ensure that the system is properly tested”

The more I roll software testing concepts to companies, the more I’ve realised the importance of celebrating your wins.

If you don’t who else will?

Small wins are just as important as big ones. I don’t wait for a software testing process to have all the bells and whistles of metrics before I start shouting about the great benefits that testing has provided.

For example; I was rolling out a software testing process that was new to the client.  At every meeting (in particular the senior ones), I declared:

“In addition to completing the system testing, we found seven existing production defects”

I wanted people to know that we have good testers in their company, and also that they were providing a good service.

As testers I think we need to be smarter about how we promote our services.